文章来源:宋宝林医生在线 发布时间:2015-12-18 20:55:34 点击量: 在线咨询
· 内有额外的液体。
· 异常组织成长。
· 正常组织变得肿胀,发炎,或硬。
· 注意到那里有个以前没有的肿块。
· 突然疼痛。
· 隐隐作痛。
· 阴囊皮肤发红或发热。
· 一个或两个睾丸或其周围结构有压痛。
· 阴囊肿胀。
· 感觉不适(恶心)或生病了(呕吐)。
· 有发热,排尿更频繁,或尿中有脓或血(如果是感染的原因)。
典型症状是迅速发展的严重疼痛 - 在几个小时内,往往会更迅速。疼痛是在受影响的睾丸上,但你也可能会觉得它在肚子(腹部)的中间。受影响的睾丸很快变得压痛,肿胀和发炎。
症状通常发展迅速 - 在一天左右。受影响的附睾和睾丸迅速肿大,而且阴囊也变大、压疼和发红。它可能非常疼痛。如果附睾睾丸炎是并发于其它感染的话,可能还有其他症状。例如:如果你有尿路感染,就有尿痛;如果你有尿道感染,阴茎会有分泌物;等等。伴随感染时,你可能会有高热,而且一般感觉不适。一疗程的抗生素通常会清除感染。通常可完全康复。并发症并不常见。
精索静脉曲张是指在阴囊的聚集了扩大(扩张)的静脉(血管)。它出现在一个睾丸或二个睾丸的近处和上方。精索静脉曲张很常见。约1/7的男性会出现精索静脉曲张 -- 通常是在15和25岁之间。精索静脉曲张通常是无痛的,而且通常不引起症状。
· 鳞状细胞癌。这是一种阴囊的皮肤癌。
· 广泛水肿。这种情况发生在身体内整体上有太多液体。
· 皮脂腺囊肿。这些是皮下的非癌性肿块。
· 梅毒。这是一种性传播感染。它有时会引起称为梅毒瘤的质软肿块。
· 线虫。感染蠕虫可堵塞人体的体液引流系统。
· 过敏性紫癜。这是一种可引起皮疹,腹部疼痛和关节痛的疾病。有时睾丸也可以红肿。它产生于免疫系统对触发器(通常是感染)的反应。多数过敏性紫癜患者是儿童。
· 过敏性皮疹。
· 皮肤结节病。是这样一种疾病,由于炎症,在你的身体多个部位,出现被称为肉芽肿的小肿块。通常它影响到肺,但偶尔发生在阴囊。
· 化脓性汗腺炎。这些是反复发作的皮肤疖疮。
治疗完全取决于病因。时常不需要治疗。其他时间 - 例如,睾丸扭转或睾丸癌急切需要治疗。总是需要看医生,向他咨询是否需要治疗。
Scrotal Lumps/Pain/Swelling
There are many causes of lumps or pain in the scrotum. Most lumps are not cancer, and many are not serious. However you should always see a doctor if you have pain, or a lump in this area.
What is the scrotum?
The scrotum is a loose bag of skin which hangs behind the penis in men and boys. Inside it are the two testicles (testes). The testicles make the male hormone, testosterone, and produce sperm (semen). The sperm passes along ducts in the testes to a tube called the epididymis where it is stored. Sperm then passes through another tube called the vas deferens. The vas deferens carries the sperm to the penis.
Boys and men should get to know what their testes usually feel like, so they will know if something has changed.
What causes lumps or pain in the scrotum?
Swellings in the scrotum can be due to:
· Extra fluid inside.
· Abnormal tissue growing.
· Normal tissue which has become swollen, inflamed, or hard.
What are the symptoms of scrotal lumps?
The symptoms depend on the cause of the problem. Possible symptoms include:
· Noticing a lump which has not been there before.
· A sudden pain.
· A dull ache.
· Redness or warmth of the skin of the scrotum.
· The testicle (testis) or structures around it may be very tender.
· Swelling of the scrotum.
· Feeling sick (nauseated) or being sick (vomiting).
· Having a temperature, passing urine more frequently, or pus or blood in the urine (if the cause is an infection).
Common causes of pain or painful lumps in the scrotum
Testicular torsion
When a testicle twists around in the scrotum, the condition is called torsion of the testis. An emergency operation is usually needed to treat this condition.
It most commonly occurs in teenage boys. Newborn babies and younger children sometimes develop this problem. It is uncommon over the age of 25 but does occur sometimes in older adults. The typical symptom is severe pain that develops quickly - within a few hours, often much more quickly. The pain is in the affected testis but you may also feel it in the middle of the tummy (abdomen). The affected testis soon becomes tender, swollen and inflamed.
Epididymo-orchitis and orchitis
Epididymo-orchitis is an inflammation of the epididymis and/or testis. Epididymitis means inflammation of the epididymis. Orchitis means inflammation of a testicle. It is usually due to infection, most commonly from a urine infection or a sexually transmitted infection. It can also happen in boys who get mumps. It is common in men aged 15-30 and in men aged over 60. It does not occur very often before puberty.
Symptoms usually develop quickly - over a day or so. The affected epididymis and testicle swell rapidly and the scrotum becomes enlarged, tender and red. It can be very painful. There may be other symptoms if the epididymo-orchitis is a complication from another infection. For example: pain on passing urine if you have a urine infection; a discharge from the penis if you have a urethral infection; etc. As with any infection, you may have a high temperature (fever) and feel generally unwell. A course of antibiotic medicine will usually clear the infection. Full recovery is usual. Complications are uncommon.
A haematocele is a collection of blood around the testicle. This is usually painful, and may have been caused by an injury.
Common causes of painless lumps in the scrotum
A hydrocele is a collection of fluid in the scrotum.
Hydroceles vary greatly in size. Most hydroceles occur in adults and are most common in men aged over 40 years. Hydroceles are normally painless. Large hydroceles may cause discomfort because of their size. Some babies are born with a hydrocele. These usually improve without any treatment within the first year of life. An operation is usually only advised if the hydrocele persists after 12-18 months of age.
Inguinal hernia
A hernia is a lump which occurs from a weakness in the wall of the tummy (abdomen). Males have a small tunnel in the tissues of their groins which occurred when they were developing as a baby. This tunnel allowed the testicles to come down from the abdomen into the scrotum. Tissue from the intestines can also pass into this tunnel, forming an inguinal hernia. If you have an inguinal hernia, a sausage-shaped lump may be felt from the groin to the scrotum. It may go away when you lie down. This is because the tissue slips back along the tunnel to where it should be.
Epididymal cyst/spermatocele
· An epididymal cyst is a fluid-filled sac which grows at the top end of the testicle. It is benign (ie not caused by cancer).The lump can be felt separate from the testicle. Men are most likely to develop these cysts around the age of 40.
· A spermatocele is a cyst which feels like an epididymal cyst but it is filled with sperm (semen).
A varicocele is a collection of enlarged (dilated) veins (blood vessels) in the scrotum. It occurs next to and above one testicle or both of the testicles. Varicoceles are common. About 1 in 7 men develop a varicocele - usually between the ages of 15 and 25. Varicoceles are usually painless and usually cause no symptoms.
Testicular cancer
Testicular cancer is a cancer that arises from a testicle. Fewer than 4 in 100 lumps in the scrotum turn out to be cancer. Around half of all cases occur in men under 35 but testicular cancer rarely occurs before puberty. In most cases, the first symptom noticed is a lump that develops on one testicle. The lump is often painless but some people notice some pain or discomfort coming from the affected testicle.
Uncommon causes of scrotal swellings or pain
Other rare or less common causes include:
· Squamous cell carcinoma. This is a cancer of the skin of the scrotum.
· Generalised oedema. This occurs when there is too much fluid in the body as a whole.
· Sebaceous cysts. These are non-cancerous lumps under the skin.
· Syphilis. This is a sexually transmitted infection. It can sometimes cause soft lumps called gummas.
· Roundworms. Infection with worms can block the drainage system of the body's fluids.
· Henoch-Schönlein purpura. This is a condition that can cause a skin rash, tummy (abdominal) pain and joint pains. Sometimes the testicles can also become inflamed. It develops because of a reaction of the immune system to a trigger, commonly an infection. Most people who get Henoch-Schönlein purpura are children.
· Allergic rashes.
· Sarcoidosis. This is a condition where tiny lumps, known as granulomas, develop at various sites within your body due to inflammation. Usually it affects the lungs, but occasionally they happen in the scrotum.
· Hidradenitis suppurativa. These are repeated (recurrent) boils of the skin.
When to seek medical advice
You should always see a doctor if you notice any pain or swelling in your scrotum. If it is painful, you should seek advice urgently.
What tests are used for scrotal lumps or pain?
Your doctor will often be able to tell what kind of swelling it is from just examining you. For example, they may shine a light through your scrotum as fluid will light up. Or they may ask you to cough which may make a hernia more obvious. You will usually have an ultrasound scan to be sure of the cause and to find out whether you need any treatment or not. An ultrasound scan is a painless test that uses sound waves to create images of organs and structures inside your body. Sometimes a blood test may be helpful too.
What is the treatment for scrotal lumps or swellings?
The treatment totally depends on the cause. Often no treatment at all is needed. Other times - for example, in testicular torsion or testicular cancer - treatment is needed urgently. Always see a doctor to get advice about whether treatment is needed or not.
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